Chapter 9 From Now On, I'll Be the Temporarily Acting as the Homeroom Teacher!

"Tang Zheng, this is not like you. Have you discovered something?" Li Xinlan was most familiar with Tang Zheng, and the earlier rudeness was not his character. Even if he despised someone, he would not show it in his countenance.

"Did you really find an exit?" Qin Yan also thought that this was the most possible answer, as Tang Zheng had lost his usual composure. "What makes it difficult for you to say out loud?"

Looking at the exploratory gaze from Lu Fan and the others, Tang Zheng started but did not finish. He then shook his head after glancing at the seven high-school students.

"Brother Tang, don't beat around the bush. Just say it." Zhang Hao was as uncomfortable as if his heart was being scratched like a cat's claw. He was anxious and irritable.

"Gao Meilin, can you leave for a while? Of course, after ten minutes, you can come back for dinner." Yin Shangwu sensed the crux of the matter and dismissed Gao Meilin.