Chapter 15: Endless Corridor

The five students lying on the stone slab were all critically injured. In the real world, even if they were taken to a hospital for emergency treatment, their chances of survival wouldn't exceed one percent, and they would likely be left disabled. However, this was the Trojan Horse Game. Tang Zheng had several vials of Nanobot Injection on him. A single injection and they wouldn't die, they would even gradually recover.

"They're all crippled. So what if we waste medicine? Can you give them time to recover?" Zhang Hao, unafraid of the other students hearing, tried to pull Tang Zheng away by his arm.

"Tang Zheng, no matter what decision you make, we all support you." Li Xinlan stood behind Tang Zheng. Qin Yan and Bai Guo nodded their heads. Lin Weiguo sighed without saying a word.

The Leopard Print Woman didn't say anything, and Little Lu Fan clasped onto Tang Zheng's hand.

"Uncle, Little Fan Fan also supports you."