Chapter 20: Bai Guo's Smile

"Alright, put your arguments on hold for now. Begin choosing the two surviving members of the China team to be punished." Alice pointed at the virtual screen.

After excluding the two deceased members, the avatars of the remaining twenty-seven survivors lined up in three rows. Suddenly, one avatar lit up, then it passed on to the next, proceeding one by one, like a relay race.

"When the 30-second countdown ends, the last lit avatar will be the chosen unlucky soul." Alice explained before snapping her fingers, and the highlighted block began to move quickly.

Most of the students swallowed hard, their fists clenched, intently watching the screen. The new members of the North American superhero team were also extremely anxious. Apart from a few who were reveling in others' misfortune, most everyone didn't dare breathe too loudly. Several girls in cheerleading uniforms were repeatedly making the sign of the cross over their chests.


