Chapter 22 - Bloodstained Duel_2

Splurt, blood splattered out, and Xu Guanlin's entire pinkie dropped to the ground.

The brown-haired man thought of the possibility that he might also face this kind of punishment, and his face immediately turned pale.

"The game continues." After a ghost maid sprinkled some hemostatic medicine on Xu Guanlin's finger, the Butler announced that the game would continue, they would not let the toys die from blood loss.

"Hehe, your luck seems to be bad." Xu Guanlin deliberately extended his fingerless hand, drew a poker card, and was lucky enough to get a pair of Spades Seven.

Two armored knights walked out and imposed the same punishment on the brown-haired young man's hand, and so the cruel game continued amid the screams of terror.

Tang Zheng watched the ghost card draw duel, hoping to find exploitable weaknesses, but it seems that for now, one can only gamble on luck.