Chapter 24 Cheating

"My ability is to control sand, or you could say, control earth elements. The move I just used is called Sand Eye Orb, which allows me to connect my optic nerves with the sand eye orb, then let the eye orb move freely to observe other places. However, it's fragile. Just now, my sand eye was crushed, so my eyes got ruined as well." Lu Fan tried to maintain a casual demeanor, but her last words revealed her desire for revenge, "Humph, I must take down that Conqueror who hurt me and make him taste the power of Little Fan Fan's iron fist."

"It must have been Amanda's sonic attack." Tang Zheng, with crossed arms, stood aside, watching the tense confrontation gravely, considering how profitable it would be if they could knock down their Conquerors with merely newbies.

Then, the North American freckled girl let out a horrifying scream, covering her severed finger, glaring damningly at Gao Meilin as though she wished to bite a piece of flesh off her.