Chapter 27: Resolving the Head-exploder Crisis

"If we cannot find the reason, we will remain under the control of Alice, constantly facing the danger of a head-exploding death. We must take the initiative." Tang Zheng didn't want to be controlled by others, once again stating the current crisis, while inconspicuously glancing at Han Zifeng, who was standing outside the human wall. That was his ultimate target.

Everyone fell silent, they knew that someone had to do these things, but it was always Tang Zheng who stepped up, making them all feel guilty towards him.

"What if the destruction of the magic array is noticed by Alice?" Han Zifeng unintentionally inquired, his first concern being his own safety, which once again earned him everyone's contempt.

Zhang Hao's eyes lit up, he looked at Han Zifeng, immediately pounced on him. The latter realized that something was amiss and tried to escape, but it was too late. Zhang Hao grabbed him by the shoulder and hauled him back, gripping his throat.