Chapter 34 Stone Statue Courtyard and Spider Castle_2

"It's raining." As Lu Fan looked up, a cold droplet of rain hit his cheek, and then the world was enveloped in a curtain of rain.

"Quick, into the castle, the stone statues are moving." Tang Zheng noticed raindrops hitting the ground and the wet stone statues trembling as if about to come to life. He didn't hesitate anymore and rushed towards the castle.

"Why not retreat to the stable?" The thought of possible monsters within the castle made Pang Meiqin afraid.

"There's only a dead-end in the stable, only in the castle do we have a chance to find clues to escape." Tang Zheng was seriously injured - every step was excruciatingly painful.

"Cover the front, I'll take care of Tang Zheng." Noticing Qin Yan preparing to come back to assist him, Yin Shangwu warned, then picked up Lu Fan and placed him on his back, proceeding to assist Tang Zheng.