Chapter 40 The Last Desperate Run

"Well, I'm about to die. Your threats probably won't work." Yin Shangwu, who doesn't even fear death, laughed mockingly. "Don't be so childish next time."

Tang Zheng couldn't bear it any longer and slapped her in the face, leaving a clear handprint.

"Don't lose your temper." Qin Yan restrained him, looking hopelessly at Yin Shangwu. "Please, tell me how to revive Bai Guo? Didn't you say you would answer any questions we ask?"

"Ha, are there honest people in the Trojan Horse Game?" Yin Shangwu scoffed, panting heavily. She needed rest now, not conversation.

"Stop asking her. Trojan must know." Pang Meiqin couldn't stand her; their detachment towards Li Xinlan made it impossible for her to relate to the urgency Tang Zheng and Qin Yan were currently feeling. Despite their puzzled glance, she obediently shut her mouth.

"What if Trojan doesn't say?" Qin Yan screamed at Pang Meiqin, the first time she'd ever lost her temper.