Chapter 4: The Red Trojan Horse and the Beginning of the Mission

Watching the little Lolita with black long hair stands guard with the gun, the newbies astonishly watched her speak daunting words with a cheerful expression, completely rooted in place. None daring to act rashly.

The policeman hesitated and even thought about reaching his gun too. After Lu Fan fired another shot, he resigned from his thoughts. The feeling of the bullet flying over his head was too terrible.

"Don't shoot, I surrender."

"hmph, stand while holding your head in your hands!" Lu Fan grumbled, glancing at the others from the corners of her eyes.

"You all can't do this!" The doctor started convincing Tang Zheng, "You can't let a girl play with dangerous firearms."

"This is self-defense." Tang Zheng stepped on the fallen policeman's head, and said, "Aren't you going to treat him?"