Chapter 5 Strong Teammates

Thirty-two survivors were successively teleported into the Cretaceous Period within five minutes, deeply shaking them with the surrounding environment even before their bodies had fully transported.

Trees large enough for three or four people to encircle towered into the sky, obscuring the sunlight. The grass and fern plants on the ground were more than a meter high, enough to submerge a person. Everywhere was lush and vibrant.

The sky was blue and impeccably clear. Occasionally, huge birds would fly by, casting large shadows on the ground. Tang Zheng and the others instinctively crouched low, watching the giant bird disappear into the distance.

"Man, it's hot here." The Caucasian overweight driver unbuttoned his collar and wiped the sweat off his forehead. Not just him, the other newbies were also in discomfort, their faces glistening with sweat from the unbearable heat.