Chapter 12: Taking on the Terror Crocodile Alone

After another ten minutes, Tang Zheng and his group finally caught up with Leonard and the others. By 2 o'clock in the afternoon, they found the endpoint of the glowing path on the map, but now they've run into trouble.

"How should we continue? Why does the route cut off here?" David clutched his hair in irritation, unable to figure out a solution.

"Could we have taken the wrong turn?" Maggie crouched down on the ground, poking at the soft soil with a tree branch. In front of her was a narrow lake, hundreds of meters wide, with no visible edges on either side.

"But without following the map, we have even less of an idea." Robert scanned the rainforest across the lake through his telescope and found nothing, so he suggested, "Maybe once we cross the lake, the glowing path will reappear."