Chapter 17: Abandonment and Self-Slaughter

The sudden plunge of the hooligan and Anthony into the water startled everyone, making them think they were attacked by a lake monster, especially the hooligan's violent strugglings and splashing, stirring the lake water into a commotion. Along with his desperate cry, the group, already on edge, instantly resembled a cat with its tail stepped on, their nerves raising analert. In less than a breath's time, all their guns were pointed at Arthur's raft.

Witnessing his comrade in such a state, Anthony was equally shocked, not contemplating to help him at all. Feeling the chill of the lake water penetrating his protective clothing, his first instinct was to climb onto the raft, to escape this perilous lake water.

"Quiet down; he just can't swim. And you, slow it down, the raft is going to capsize!" Arthur barked with anger, Anthony's movements were too abrupt, violently rocking the raft.