Chapter 30 Divided Paths

Tang Zheng knew what the young woman was worried about, so he passed under her arm, supporting her and guiding her up the stairs.

With half of her body being supported by Tang Zheng, Julia indeed saved a lot of effort. However, because their bodies were very close, she wanted to break free from Tang Zheng's arm. But she glanced aside and found that he didn't even notice, but was frowning and watching around alertly. She felt that she had overreacted, as he clearly hadn't even considered anything inappropriate.

Tang Zheng wasn't so obsessed as to get infatuated just by brushing against a woman with his arm, and he was also a bit frustrated. Always looking after this blond daughter was too energy-consuming.

The top floor of the mall sold various types of video game consoles, which excited the two little lolis. Unfortunately, there was no power and they were unable to experience them.