Chapter 37 Nazi Zombies and Spartan Soldiers

Half an hour later, David and the others, weary, were slouched on the back of their Raptor mounts, passing before the building where Tang Zheng was hiding. The entire group was eerily silent, the atmosphere oppressive, with no trace of the jubilation they should've felt after defeating the Armed Tyrannosaurus.

"It's surprising that no one was lost," Lu Fan carefully observed each person, then added, "The newbies are just startled; Leonard is in the worst condition - it seems he has a broken rib, and he's gone pale from losing too much blood."

"Facing such a monster, even if the newbies volunteered as cannon fodder, it wouldn't have helped much. Only the Conquerors' determination to fight ensured their survival." Tang Zheng was right - the newbies had survived by a stroke of luck.

"I wonder how many Golden Horns they got," Lu Fan used his electronic stick to scan the Armed Tyrannosaurus, knowing that it was the monster that dropped the mission props.