Chapter 40: Full Firepower? Not necessary! - 2

"Damn, running away is only a road to death." Tang Zheng didn't believe that a raptor's stamina could match a mutated armed tyrannosaurus, so he swerved away from the main team while yelling at Lu Fan to follow.

The little Lolita didn't hesitate to follow Tang Zheng. Miranda hesitated a bit before also following them. Julia hesitated long enough so that by the time she decided to go, a tyrannosaurus had already split from the pack to chase Tang Zheng's party.

"What a treacherous asshole." Leonard glared at Tang Zheng's retreating figure, cursing bitterly under his breath. He saw right through Tang Zheng's tactic – "The tyrannosaurus will always chase the prey. One Tang Zheng won't be enough to fill their teeth gaps, he just wants us to become bait."