Chapter 45: Tyrant's Predation

Most of the javelins were blocked by the bus walls, but a few punctured the glass and entered the carriage. Jenny's hiding spot was not good, she was poked in the buttocks. Luckily, the javelin had lost its momentum, and with the protective clothing blocking, she hadn't been injured much. Still, this had frightened her.

"I'm injured!" Jenny kept touching her buttocks, yelling loudly, adding to the chaos inside the carriage.

"Shut up, the natives are catching up, counterattack quickly." Tang Zheng leaned out of the window and started shooting back.

The smoke from the explosion had not dissipated, and squads of Dragon Bone Natives kept springing out, screaming their unique war songs, so loud they echoed in the sky.

"We're doomed, there are more than a hundred of them." Mars' face suddenly lost all color, looking utterly defeated. The other newbies were not doing much better.