Chapter 46: The Final 10 Minutes of Major Staff Reduction_2

"It's pierced." Robert shouted in excitement. Through the aiming scope, he could see the skin on the Tyrant's chest had been torn, starting to bleed.

The tumbling Tyrant suddenly reached out a hand and dug into the ground, creating a deep trench in the cement road, forcibly halting its tumble.

Shit, Robert didn't expect the Tyrant to pull that move and his preliminary trajectory calculations were off, his energy beam missed. Although he quickly adjusted, the Tyrant started to move unpredictably, while also emitting a loud whistle.

The armed velociraptors rushed forward at full speed, the Tyrant leapt up, trying to get on, but Tang Zheng's Thunderball hit it mid-leap, causing it to fall.

"Don't let it mount," Robert also shouted, he tried to shoot at the head of the velociraptor, but it dodged elegantly.

The previously sparse gunshots at the front of the carriage intensified, evidently encountering an attack from a dinosaur group.