Chapter 7: Wealthy Relatives

Tao Lei was actually Lin Weiguo's niece, something Tang Zheng hadn't initially expected. However, that realization significantly lightened the mood of the journey.

"Are you going to visit your uncle?" While Tao Lei remained shy, she had stopped avoiding Tang Zheng. She answered every question without hesitation, showing no signs of guardedness.

"Yes." Tang Zheng asked about Weiguo's past, and it was clear that Tao Lei admired her uncle, who was a special forces soldier.

"Although my uncle has been to prison, he's a good person." Tao Lei's eyes sparkled as she spoke. "My university tuition fee last year was all gathered by my aunt, and this year after my uncle was released from prison, he gave me a lot of money, saying it's not easy for our family to have a university student, insisting that I must continue studies."