Chapter 16 Allocation of Spoils of War

Tang Zheng's cruel words instantly stunned all the survivors. They all stared at him in shock, then looked at the unfortunate team captain, who had already fainted on the ground. Blood constantly flowed from his ruptured wrist, melting a large area of accumulated snow. He seemed on the verge of dying.

"No, aren't you keeping him for interrogation?" Old Pavel, as if scalded, hurriedly shook his hand in refusal.

"There will be more captives. We won't miss a few days." Tang Zheng pointed his gun at them and urged, "Hurry up, are you waiting for enemy reinforcements?"

The three wasteland residents were in a dilemma. Little Pavel glanced at his dad, suddenly stepped forward, and drew the dagger stuck in his waistband. Old Pavel pulled him back, but unfortunately was shrugged off.

"Let's do it, I've been wanting to slaughter a Steel Council soldier for a while." Little Pavel knelt down beside Captain Ge'er. His eyes filled with anger, he slapped him awake with two slaps.