Chapter 18 Decimation

The steamed bun was cold and not fully cooked, the dough inside was still somewhat hard. Gao Yu bit into it and then spat it out immediately. He frowned and stared at the soup for several seconds before sticking out his tongue to give a taste. Immediately, a bitter and extremely salty taste spread across his tastebuds. Gao Yu quickly turned away coughing and spitting.

"Pig food." It was indeed hard to swallow, Gao Yu cursed, initially intending to toss away the soup. But upon seeing Chu Baichuan and the An Ping brothers eating with gusto, even Tang Zheng and Dantai were stuffing their faces impassively. He didn't want to admit defeat, so he took another bite and forced down the nauseating mixture.

Ha ha, the nearby civilians burst into laughter when they saw Gao Yu's miserable look. Everyday work was tiring, so whenever they could mock someone, it brought a level of amusement.