Chapter 33 - What's there to fear? Charge on!

"Damn it, die!" Tang Zheng was thoroughly enraged, turning around while running, he aimed his gun at these old soldiers!

"Don't rush…" A bunch of soldiers were startled, their throats instinctively shrunk, and they uniformly shouted out, but unfortunately, before the end of their chorus, the blue thunderballs were spewed out from the muzzle, howling towards them.

The two women, drenched in blood and pieces of flesh, were also frightened. The thunderballs struck the shabbily equipped soldiers, instantly turning their upper bodies into minced meat. A storm of fresh blood swept across in an instant. As the two women passed by, they couldn't help but took a look back and immediately felt nauseous.

Most of the dead soldiers had their heads blown up, leaving only their thighs and waist,

The Beastmen running towards them saw this, they all screeched to a halt in unison, their ugly faces full of astonishment.