Chapter 31 The Queen's Love Letter (Third update, 10,000 words) _2

Upon completion of the eighth verse, the chirping of insects and birds, and the myriad of gentle sounds, tranquilly calm people's minds...

The ninth verse, it's as if dry hearts are being moistened by a spring...


As the tenth verse came to an end, the crowd awaited any supernatural occurrences only to see the overflowing red mist turned black abruptly. A black halo enveloped the entire lobby instantly, as if having entered pitch-dark midnight.

"Who dares to defile my love?" A majestic female voice bearing the frozen chill of the Arctic echoed within the lobby, seemingly freezing life itself.

"You shall suffer the punishment of Nefertari, transform into mummies for eternity, living in the margin of life and death, relishing in pain!"