Chapter 42 The Parasitic Pharaoh Scorpion

As a reporter, Ruxiong was well experienced and had seen his fair share of things within the country. However, he had never been abroad, so when a flamboyant foreign woman initiated a flirtation with him, he found himself unable to resist. He hastily followed her into the restroom. Once he closed the door behind them, he saw her undressing with her back to him. His big hand impatiently reached towards her. But at the next moment, he was startled when she suddenly turned around to face him.

"Ha, European women are so passionate," he chuckled awkwardly to conceal his embarrassment upon seeing the foreign woman.

The foreign woman didn't utter a word. Her face remained expressionless. She grabbed Ruxiong by the shoulders, pushed him against the wall and bent forward to kiss him.

"Getting a bit too forward," Ruxiong thought as her red lips drew ever-nearer, relishing his fleeting romantic encounter. However, the very next second, he furrowed his brows.