Chapter 1: The Revival of Bai Guo

"You all go buy your props first and leave, I'm going to resurrect Bai Guo." Qin Yan looked at everyone around and urged them to teleport out of the room.

"Why? I want to see someone get resurrected." Chu Baichuan was confused. The shock from seeing Lin Weiguo's resurrection last time hadn't faded away yet, he wanted to reap the spectacle once more.

"Idiot, the person is naked when they get resurrected." Ai Yixin always noticed the details, she pinched her husband once, finished choosing props and let the Trojan Horse Game teleport them out.

Everyone was saying their goodbyes; while Lin Weiguo also desired to see Bai Guo, he decided it would be best to leave to avoid suspicion.

"Tang Zheng, you don't have to leave." Qin Yan called out to the about to depart Tang Zheng, "I think Bai Guo would also like to see you."

"Then, I won't leave either," Lu Fan sat cross-legged on the floor, "Hurry up and start."