Chapter 22 - Killing and Reduction_2

Sha Wujing, besieged by the Trojan Squad, still maintained his ease. A round-moon slash forced the crowd back, then he took a sharp inhale, his chest puffed up, and blew out, creating a succession of black tornadoes that swept across the square, causing everyone to sway unsteadily.

Qin Yan swiftly dodged a few times and closed in for attack. With a slash of her Tang Sword, she aimed for Sha Wujing's Skull. Seizing the moment he dodged her attack, she tossed spherical metal balls onto his back. Upon contact with his body, the balls unfurled and burrowed into his skin.

Undeterred, Qin Yan pressed her attack, giving Sha Wujing no opportunity to remove the mechanical centipede. Her abdomen was slashed by the Crescent Shovel, but thanks to her special Ability, she escaped certain death.

Bai Guo too closed in, but as he was releasing the spherical machine, Sha Wujing launched a windmill attack, throwing Bai Guo off and exposing him.