Chapter 1: The Resurrection of Li Xinlan

"Conqueror Tang Zheng, your total point count is 11126. You've reached the milestone of ten thousand points. Congratulations!"

After making the announcement, the Trojan displayed three options on the screen, waiting for his decision.

"Only four thousand five hundred points?" Tang Zheng complained, though deep down he let out a sigh of relief. It felt as though he'd swallowed the heart dangling in his throat. If he hadn't reached ten thousand points, he would've been bitterly disappointed.

"You should be content, maintaining this rate of strong scoring, and in three more rounds, you will be able to leave this godforsaken Trojan Room, and regain your freedom." Pang Meiqin was envious, a hint of crisis awareness creeping into her heart. If Tang Zheng were to leave, there would be no one left to tolerate her "shadow work."