Chapter 6 Madness

Having spent the day wandering about after leaving the Trojan Room and exhausting the last of his pocket change, he finally decided to go home.

Seeing the groups of students bustling down the street, backpacks slung over their shoulders and a lifetime of scholastic chats and gales of laughter, a flash of envy and admiration crossed his heart, swiftly replaced by a thick sense of disdain. Mei Jueye smirked coldly as his stare, which was as fierce as a starving wolf, zeroed on these lambs.

Three girls who were discussing the latest love drama froze in their tracks. Startled by Mei Jueye's ominous aura, they unconsciously shuddered and sped up their pace, walking past him.

"Hahaha!" With Mei Jueye's hearty laugh still echoing in the air, five minutes later, he found himself in front of the same anti-theft door he'd looked at for more than a decade. He took out his key, opened the door, and was immediately greeted by a strong wave of alcoholic breath and loud snoring.