Chapter 39: Smash To Pieces

"It seems quite unfair to Jing Xiang." While driving towards Mei Jueye's Hunting Zone and observing the scenery on both sides of the highway, Tang Zheng was conflicted, "Anyway, I must first teach her basic survival skills."

With the evacuation of the citizens, the whole of Tokyo City has become more chaotic. The police force is insufficient, definitely not able to cope. Taking advantage of this, some hooligans stir up trouble, breaking into homes for robbery, stealing, and enjoying the thrill of getting something for nothing.

During the more than thirty-minute drive, Tang Zheng witnessed more than twenty incidents of on-the-spot crime. These young men were completely unscrupulous, not caring about the stares of pedestrians—it seemed that they even found these glances to be a kind of compliment, making them even more pleased with themselves.