Chapter 27: Grudges and Death

"I'm not as cowardly as you are," Kong Licheng started to call names, "Since no one volunteers, let's pick those two murderers and add a few miners."

Kong Licheng also knew what caliber his colleagues were, so he simply didn't choose them.

"No, I won't go." Zhuo Yijie shook his head, roaring loudly in refusal. Although he had attempted suicide, he was very faint-hearted. After his impulsive act, he had already become afraid of death. Closing his eyes, he would see himself being crushed into minced meat by the subway.

"You have to go even if you don't want to." Kong Licheng glared at him, then turned his attention to Liu Binshi, "Buddy, chances are you've already been infected. Why not make a contribution?"

"I'll go, but they stay." Liu Binshi was a good person and cared a lot about his friends.

"Liu bro, don't listen to him," Zhang Tie spat out, glaring furiously, "Why should we be the ones to go and die? Are our lives worth less than yours?"