Chapter 59: Return to the Hotel

Tang Zheng gripped the control stick and pressed down on the left pedal, executing no complex aerial maneuvers, just a simple tilt that took all but two seconds to throw the cabin into complete chaos.

Upon seeing these unfamiliar people from the East, Susan didn't dare to speak, and did everything Tang Zheng said, sprinting without sparing her strength. After entering the cabin, she hid in the back and buckled her seatbelt. Kong Licheng, unaware of her relationship with Tang Zheng and distracted by the annoying and self-proclaimed smart duo Li Zhilian and Hu Liwen, had completely forgotten about this busty foreigner.

Liu Binshi had also learned to lay low, trying not to draw attention, fearful of being assigned to dangerous missions. Thus, upon entering the cabin, he too sought refuge in the back. Although he didn't fasten his seatbelt, the cabin wall in front of him prevented him from falling out.