Chapter 62 "Not a Single One Left

The nurse was truly unlucky: an electric current struck her, numbing her limbs as she collapsed to the ground.

The parasitic creature preferred fresh food to corpses and shot out two tentacles, wrapping around Tang Zheng.

Tang Zheng paid no mind to the fake female broadcaster, this sort of small fry. He glanced at the parasitic creature devouring the nurse and fired at it.

The queen roared and spat out a blue pillar of energy, vaporizing the approaching tentacles into thin air before blowing a large hole through the body of the creature.

The parasitic creature shrieked in terror, spitting out the nurse's corpse. Her upper body was entirely dissolved by saliva; there were chewed-up traces of flesh and blood around her waist, and her two silk-stockinged legs were only loosely connected by bits of skin, with her underwear corroded away.