On the peak of the mountain, a great wind suddenly rose, howling as it swept boundless, endless clouds along.
Confucius stood at the summit, his robes flapping loudly, holding the Spring and Autumn Pen, and he looked up into the sky and exclaimed, "Today, I, Kong Qiu, with the Spring and Autumn Pen as my oath, establish Confucianism, impart rites and laws to the people, propagate the principles of benevolence and righteousness, educate all beings, and guide them out of their lost paths. The Grand Way is my mirror, my grand vow remains eternal and unchanging!"
His words were powerful, resounding with a clang as if striking the ground!
A grand righteousness followed his words, embedding itself in the river of history, forever indelible!
Suddenly, a bolt of thunder resounded, with the force of a thousand weights, as if the sky were about to collapse.