Chapter 016 Mysterious Reminder_1

"Walk through every part of the place, do not omit any details, pay attention to anything unusual," Hawkeye turned his head and said to Qian Cangyi.

Qian Cangyi nodded, headed to the right, and started searching around the circular open space.

Time ticked away by the second, Qian Cangyi looked at the horizon, growing increasingly nervous.

The two of them circled around and around, but still found no trace of the Sacrificial Tablet.

"That's right...the rain..."

"If the Sacrificial Tablet is invisible, the rainwater can reveal its location."

New ideas popped up in Qian Cangyi's mind, but he knew the possibility was small.

If they could indeed use the rainwater to find the location of the Sacrificial Tablet, they would have found it while circling around earlier.

The rain soaked their hair, their clothes, and fell onto the ground.

Qian Cangyi strained his eyes, unwilling to miss any detail.

However, apart from the spots where he and Hawkeye were standing, the rainwater elsewhere showed no noticeable deviations.

This means that the Sacrificial Tablet is not on the empty field.

Suddenly, Hawkeye turned his head to look at Qian Cangyi, his look calm, but it made Qian Cangyi very uncomfortable.

It's like a gaze that saw through everything, like a warrior with blood-tipped blade, facing his impending doom with composed resolve.

"The duration of the special prop has ended," Hawkeye's voice was steady, without a trace of panic.

Qian Cangyi lowered his head to look at his arm, no longer seeing the gold markings.

On the way to the clearing, no matter how the rain washed over, the golden gravel remained unchanged as if sticking to his arm.

The golden gravel has disappeared, indicating that the protective effect of the special props has also disappeared.

Qian Cangyi slowly turned his head, looking in the direction of Yu Xi Village.

The view before his eyes hasn't changed, but Qian Cangyi could sense it, the Black Shadow is coming quickly.

Red lightning zipped across the clouds, the rain started to pour even harder, the size of the raindrops stinging his face.

Qian Cangyi placed his left hand on his forehead, squinting, his drained body staggering back a step to maintain balance.

A peal of thunder echoed, followed by another flash of lightning across the sky.

Qian Cangyi widened his eyes, he noticed that the Black Shadow that was gathered together was slowly moving closer, like an executioner preparing for the execution.

And Qian Cangyi and Hawkeye were the prisoners on the execution ground.

"Hawkeye, you must have a way, right?" Qian Cangyi shouted, it didn't matter if they were exposed, it wouldn't matter if the Black Shadow found them.

Hawkeye didn't say a word, didn't make any move, just quietly looked at Qian Cangyi.

"Speak! How did you survive earlier? Maybe we can find some clues," Qian Cangyi said, walking towards Hawkeye.

Finally, Hawkeye spoke:

"It's entirely different. The previous movies had no clues. Now it has clues, but the source cannot be found following them. "

"The chain was broken in the middle unless there is a way to connect it."

However, these words were not what Qian Cangyi wanted to hear.

"What way? Do you have any more special props? If we hold on a little longer, maybe we can find it," Qian Cangyi said, dragging his weary legs forward.

"I only have one special prop, it has already been used," Hawkeye maintained the same expression.

The Black Shadow silently arrived at the open ground, spreading out, trapping both of them in the middle.

This time, there were no special props to save them.

"Where on earth is the Sacrificial Tablet?" Qian Cangyi couldn't help but look up and roar.

Red lightning again illuminated the sky, as well as the open space.

Shadows flickered around the clearing. By the look of their clothes, they were likely villagers.

The Sacrifice is gradually transforming them; it is because of this, they could see the villagers of Yu Xi Village, even if only for a fleeting moment.

Qian Cangyi glanced back, the Black Shadow was closing in,

"Calm down, calm down!" Qian Cangyi started taking deep breaths.

Though he was frantic inside, he was still trying to persuade himself.

"How can I calm down, I'm about to die!" Qian Cangyi ran towards the middle of the empty ground.

The position of the empty ground was not small, standing in the middle was clearly the best place to be last attacked.

Qian Cangyi wanted to live, even if it was for just one more second.

The rain hit his face, and waves of exhaustion swept over him, along with an unshakeable sense of despair.

Qian Cangyi simply closed his eyes, allowing himself a brief respite, even if it was just for a few seconds.

He was extremely tired.

Having just run a few steps, Qian Cangyi suddenly stumbled, nearly falling on the ground.

Hawkeye looked at Qian Cangyi, who was propped up on both hands on the ground, and said:

"Falling on flat ground will not improve your character rating, in fact, it will decrease it."

Qian Cangyi kneeled on one knee, looking back at the place he almost fell, his left foot throbbing with pain.

The ground was very flat, not even a small stone could be found, and a normal person wouldn't stumble.

The unusual incident made him forget the situation at hand, his brain began operating rapidly.

"It felt like my left foot hit something."

Qian Cangyi opened his eyes wide, stretched out his right hand, completely ignoring the approaching Black Shadow.

"It's definitely not an illusion."

His right hand waved a few times at the place where he almost fell, but didn't touch anything.

"There must be something different here, it can't be just invisible."

"Could it be..."

Qian Cangyi recalled the situation just now, the severe exhaustion and despair made him close his eyes involuntarily.

Closing his eyes, this action was fundamentally different from the previous.

Li Chenxi's strange disease had also caught his attention, when the disease struck, it would cause blindness.

Qian Cangyi suddenly felt his heart racing, as if it was about to jump out of his throat.

His right hand was still doing the same action, but this time, he chose to close his eyes.

During the swinging motion of his right hand, it hit a hard object. It hurt a little, but Qian Cangyi didn't care, he quickly stretched out his left hand as well.

At the same time, his mind conjured up the description of the Sacrificial Tablet in the diary.

A rectangular shape, about the height of a normal chair, the thickness roughly the same as the width of a thumb, marked with strange symbols.

At this moment, his hands were resting on the hard object, which met the thickness and height requirements.

The Sacrificial Tablet was the thing that tripped him just now!

"I found it! The Sacrificial Tablet can only be touched when eyes are closed!"

He shouted loudly.

At this moment in Hawkeye's eyes, Qian Cangyi was half-kneeling on the ground, his hands roaming in the air in front of him.

"What do you mean?" Hawkeye looked surprised.

Qian Cangyi didn't plan to explain, because just after he shouted out those words, the surrounding Black Shadow was no longer slowly approaching, but speeding up.

There were many iron hammers on the empty ground, but there were none near Qian Cangyi.

Just as he was planning to run to the side to get an iron hammer, Hawkeye's voice reached him.


Qian Cangyi turned his head to look, an iron hammer was falling a meter in front of him, and he could pick it up by just bending over.

The Black Shadow was almost within reach, in another three seconds it would reach Qian Cangyi's feet, but at this moment, Qian Cangyi needed only two seconds.


He clenched the iron hammer in both his hands, closed his eyes, and used all his strength to strike at the hidden Sacrificial Tablet.