Chapter 001 The Unsolved Mystery_1

Qian Cangyi lay on the ground, his body gradually recovering, the soreness quickly disappearing.

Strictly two seconds had passed, everything was back to normal, as if everything he had just experienced was an illusion.

He slowly raised his head, looked over at the driver's seat.

What used to make him feel fear and dread, the eerie driver, now somehow gave him a sense of security.

Qian Cangyi took in a deep breath, felt the expansion of his lungs, then slowly exhaled.

"Everything is really back to normal, even the exhaustion is gone in an instant."

Having said that, he braced his hands on the ground to push himself up. He found his clothes had changed back to their original style, and then he turned and looked back into the bus. By this time, Hawkeye was already sitting on the sofa.

"If there are questions, let us sit down and talk, we are safe now," Hawkeye pointed to the sofa across.