Chapter 007 Move Forward_1

"I get it now. You are focusing only on the shadow curse. Since Yan Ruoxuan differs significantly from the rest of us, her character should be the breakthrough point to crack this curse," Xiao Tian picked up where Zhi Duoxing left off.

"Exactly." Zhi Duoxing slightly bowed after he finished speaking.

"Since the misunderstanding has been cleared up, no need to pursue this matter any further. Zhi Duoxing, given your exceptional analytical abilities, why not assume the role of provisional team leader? In the film, Yan Ruoxuan is in charge, and we should do the same. You clearly seem qualified," Xiao Tian advanced one step and proposed his suggestion.

Rou Guang snorted coldly without expressing his opinion.

"Sounds like a good plan, deciding on a leader does seem to be good for group action," Ning Jing smiled, signaling her support.