Chapter 010 The Only Difference_1

"I really appreciate everyone's kindness. It shows your trust in me and that makes me happy. However, I refuse." Qian Cangyi slightly bowed, an apologetic smile on his face.

"Why?" Rou Guang asked loudly and confused.

"Just as Zhi Duoxing said earlier, we have chosen him as our leader. By doing so, we are entrusting him with some of our rights and forming a small group."

"To maintain the stability of the group, these rights cannot be exercised at whim. Otherwise, our group will have no restraint, not even seemingly superficial restraint. The group that the five of us make up would become a joke." Qian Cangyi fluently voiced his explanation, as if he had prepared it beforehand.

However, at this moment inside Qian Cangyi's heart.