Chapter 040 A New Day_1

Early morning, Qian Cangyi woke up from his slumber. He had drunk himself into heavy intoxication last night, and he could not even recall how he made his way home. He glanced at the clock. The time was half-past nine, neither too early nor too late.

Upon getting out of bed and drawing back the curtains, he was greeted by a bright and harmonious view outside his house.

However, only Qian Cangyi knew what he had been through these past few days.

Every time he thought about Zhi Duoxing's final wave, his heart ached profoundly.

"Sigh..." After freshening up, Qian Cangyi opened his mailbox. Along with some miscellaneous emails, there were three sender-less emails lying inside.

"Why are there three? Hmm, the Evaluation Form, Remuneration Exchange, and... an Upgrade Announcement?" Qian Cangyi was puzzled.

He opened the first email as the words "Evaluation Form" met his eyes.