Chapter 021 Narrowing the Scope_1

"You... you've encountered him too?" Qian Cangyi was shocked, unable to hide his astonishment.

"Once." Hawkeye leaned his head back, appearing to recall the scene, "But our interaction wasn't too pleasant. Fortunately, we all survived that movie."

"Can you explain why?" Qian Cangyi was very curious. He wanted to know the nature of their conflict and its causes.

"I don't remember much. That movie was a zombie flick. A couple of actors were infected with the zombie virus when we were fighting off the zombies. We had a bit of a disagreement about the plans to find the antidote. It wasn't a big deal," explained Hawkeye reluctantly. "He is really dead?" Hawkeye sought confirmation once more.

"Yes," Qian Cangyi sighed.

"It's late. We'll talk more tomorrow," concluded Hawkeye, ending the conversation.