Chapter 028 Mahjong_1

"Two days from now, I hope teacher can come to watch." Ding Hao said.

"To watch what?" Qian Cangyi asked curiously.

"Mahjong." Ding Hao replied.

"Mahjong?" Qian Cangyi was surprised, "As students, can you play mahjong at school? I remember the venue you chose is in the school, right?"

"The location is at the Mahjong Technology Research Association. We've already got the venue arranged. Our Research Association has been approved by Principal Duan Tianze. Although it's related to mahjong, it's not gambling. Furthermore, the requirements to enter our association are stringent. One of them states the ranking of academic achievement must consistently improve. Meaning, even if you maintain your ranking, you'll be expelled from the association." Ding Hao replied calmly, hands tucked into his pockets.

"I see. If there are no issues, then I will pay a visit." Qian Cangyi agreed.


After returning home, Qian Cangyi relayed the news about the match to the other two.