Chapter 046 Undercurrent Turbulence_1

"Menu, don't you feel like we've been too comfortable?" Qian Cangyi laid on his bed, "Up to now, neither of us have faced any abnormal attacks or suffered any casualties. Apart from some areas being a bit strange, it's safe to say we haven't encountered any dangers."

"Hmm, indeed." replied Menu, "But don't you think that these 'strange' areas you mentioned are worth noticing in themselves?"

"The sudden appearance of the coat and sunglasses, as well as the wound on Lin Zheng's face the next day. Unfortunately, these two points don't seem to have any connection, or if there is, it's extremely unusual." Qian Cangyi put on a puzzled expression.

"Right, one thing I can't understand is, didn't we do anything? Whether there's danger or not, with our identities, we should always be doing something, right?" Menu's query was also one of Qian Cangyi's thoughts.