Chapter 050 Trap_1

"Since it can't be defeated by force, it has to be outsmarted." Menu dodges to the side.

"Although extremely tough and strong, it has average speed. There's still a chance." After rolling on the ground, Menu stands up. However, she doesn't run in Lin Zheng's direction, but instead moves away from it, heading outside the bedroom.

"If the monster follows me, I just need to use my speed advantage to lose it and then return to Lin Zheng's home. If the monster chooses to stay in the room to protect Lin Zheng, I'll wait outside the house and see if it leaves. If it leaves, I can reenter Lin's house. If it doesn't, then I'll just wait until the time pause status occurs." Menu's thought process is clear.

After a few turns, Menu leaves Lin Zheng's house.

She hides in the alley opposite Lin Zheng's house, waiting for the monster's reaction.