Chapter 060 Parallel_1

Where to eat next time? Where to eat?

Lin Zheng was pondering in his heart and found that he no longer cared about winning or losing. Rather than rack his brains for solutions, he would rather enjoy life at present. After all, he had infinite time. Even if he got tired of playing and exhausted, he could always start over.

It's almost done. Just judging by the shift in his mindset, the words I spoke previously were starting to have an impact. I don't know how many times it's been, but it doesn't matter. As long as these repetitions can be divided into periods, that's fine. But one thing is certain: I've already won a hundred times over.

That's what Qian Cangyi was mulling over while he walked next to Lin Zheng, a cotton candy in his left hand.

The two of them were at an amusement park, where they had just ridden the pirate ship ride and were now heading towards the roller coaster, which was a fairly standard length considering the size of the town they were in.