Chapter 082: Mysterious_1

"Boss, we can't keep dragging this on!" the sleazy man urged.

"Act now!" the burly man shouted. All this while, the hunchbacked old man had hardly moved, having made no attempt to escape or resist. Swiftly, the three men hoisted the hunchbacked old man up while he seemed resigned to his fate, he climbed onto the enclosure wall.

"What's inside?" the burly man asked.

"I can't tell." The hunchbacked old man squatted on the enclosure wall and shook his head.

"Old man, are you blind or messing with us?" the sleazy man was furious.

"It's pitch-black inside, really, if you don't believe me you can come up and see for yourselves." The hunchbacked old man did not argue.

"Or we could..." the sleazy man started offering his idea to the burly man.

The burly man, after listening, nodded and addressed the hunchbacked old man on the enclosure wall: "You go inside and check if there's any danger."

"Hurry up! Or else we'll push you down!" the sleazy man threatened.