Chapter 090 Blue Pearl No.1

"The Verdera Manuscript" lay quietly in Qian Cangyi's palm.

Should he destroy it?

Qian Cangyi placed the manuscript in his briefcase.

Since Huoer said not to read it, there's no need to take risks, now the most important thing is to find the ship captain that is Huoer's friend."

With this thought, Qian Cangyi poured himself a glass of water, then came to the side of Father Huoer, gently patting him on the shoulder.

"Wake up, Huoer," Qian Cangyi whispered.

Father Huoer slowly opened his eyes, full of confusion in his brown eyes. He propped his elbow on the edge of the bed attempting to sit up but was restrained by Qian Cangyi.

"You fainted earlier, now you need to rest." Qian Cangyi handed him the water glass.

The singing of holy hymns penetrated the thin walls, reaching both of them. Separated by a single wall, the gap between heaven and hell.