Chapter 133 Mysterious Crown_1

The two stood far away from the crowd, daring not get too close.

When Qian Cangyi turned his head, he saw many humans on the deck of the ship. Some were dressed in Blue Pearl crew uniforms while others wore casual clothes - men and women alike. Based on the gestures and expressions, some were still breathing while some were already dead. The dead ones were also here because they could be used as food.

The crowd of merpeople around was growing larger. More merpeople climbed onto the Ghost Ship from the Villefort Sea, some empty-handed, others carrying humans, not knowing whether they were dead or alive.

All the people were piled together? They should distinguish between the living and the dead, after all, they would throw humans into the Burning Sea and let them suffer its torment.

Qian Cangyi remained calm, but sweat was already covering his forehead. The merpeople's skin costume was extremely hot and uncomfortable.