Chapter 150: Return and Assessment_1

"This far is sufficient, you've come a long way." Qian Cangyi took the briefcase from Robert's hand.

"It's nothing." Robert smiled, then waved his hand, indicating there was no need to thank him.

Qian Cangyi gave a slight nod, then turned to walk towards the compartment that belonged solely to him. Apart from him, no one else noticed that this carriage should not exist. To the other passengers, this extra carriage was indistinguishable from a normal one.

"Hey, remember to treat your injuries well!" Robert raised his right hand high, then waved it, "I'll come to find you in a while."

At this moment, Qian Cangyi's right foot had already stepped into the carriage. Hearing Robert's words, he turned around and smiled at Robert, saying: "Rest assured, I will treat my injuries well, you don't need to worry about me. I also have something to tell you, don't touch those diamonds at all costs, these suddenly appearing diamonds hide unknown dangers, you can't handle them alone."