Chapter 160: Report to the Police_1

Because the fluorescent light had already returned to normal, Qian Cangyi saw the red landline by the bar counter immediately. He picked up the handset and dialed 110.

"It would be nice if I knew the local emergency number." Qian Cangyi remarked before the call was connected.

A few beeps later, the dispatcher's voice came on.

After informing them of his location and other details, Qian Cangyi hung up.

He turned around and saw that the junior high school student near the bar was still glued to the screen. Despite the incidents that had taken place in the internet cafe, the student, hooked on the internet, showed no reaction as if he was disconnected from the world.

Qian Cangyi gently knocked on the counter with the back of his hand, glanced at the middle school student once more, and then turned to return to his seat.