Chapter 200 Height_1

As time passed, the others also noticed that something was wrong. After all, the deep mark was getting wider and had gradually turned into a deep pit encircling the football field.

"We can't see what's down there, but I can estimate that it is at least two meters deep. I remember you have the ability to accelerate, right? So escaping should not be a problem for you?" Qian Jiangyue took two steps back. Then, he pulled a blade of grass from the ground and threw it outside the circle. The grass instantly turned into fragments.

"I don't know." Qian Cangyi shook his head, grabbed a clump of soil from the ground, and threw it out. The fate of this lump of soil was the same as the grass.

During these exchanges, the space where both of them could stand was getting smaller. Although the remaining part of the football field was still very large, based on the current development, it wouldn't be long before they ran out of standing space.