Chapter 215 White Beverage_1

In the time that followed, Qian Cangyi's hands were feverishly pressing the red button on the vending machine. Once he felt it was about enough, he bent down and took out all the drinks, "No no no, this vending machine is definitely not for those monsters. They wouldn't do such a thing. Without a doubt, it's meant for me, or 'people' like me. The drink that can bring me back to my own world, it must be different in some way."

Because he strongly believed this, Qian Cangyi didn't drink each of the beverages one by one, but set them to the side.

"Even though I'm here, having learned the truth of the world, there are no clues, and the taxi didn't appear. This means that as an actor, I need to keep playing my part." Qian Cangyi's hand pressed the red button again, "Assume that each world is like a software program. Then, the world I'm in now can be considered an antivirus program, and the world I was in before is a regular software program."