Chapter 217: A Higher World_1

Yuan activated the emergency switch of the mechanical assistant. After unlocking the safety latch, she hit the off button.

"Gosh, these issues keep piling up, this is so irritating!" Yuan cradled the mechanical assistant in her arms and swiftly returned to her room. Then, she pressed some virtual buttons on the wall, and an acceptance platform appeared before her. She placed her mechanical assistant on the platform.

"Assess repair costs," Yuan casually ordered.

[Ding! Starting assessment!]

[Repair cost is 0, no damage!]

The synthesized voice, eerily similar to a human's, reached Yuan's ears.

"No damage? Has even the repair system dealt a blow? I'm simply speechless." Yuan shook her head, "Never mind, let's turn it on again, perhaps it was my mistake."

When Yuan switched it on again, she found the mechanical assistant was indeed working fine without any sign of the previous glitch.

"Self-check," Yuan commanded.